Rytmos is a puzzle game that makes you fall in love with music again

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Fractured cuboid planets from puzzle game Rytmos
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Hello! Come on in. Please, take a seat. Welcome to the inaugural episode of our brand new (and currently untitled) supporter-first indie video show! Every month*, I’m going to be spending some time highlighting a cool indie game that deserves your attention. Think of this series as a supplement to Sin’s Scout Report or our Indiescovery podcast. A brand new method for delivering piping hot recs from my desktop to yours.

My aim is to use this series as a springboard to dive deep into specific elements of a game I find particularly fascinating, sharing my discoveries with you lot behind the paywall first (and don’t worry, regular readers, I’ll also be making each of these videos public for all to see after a month, which should roughly coincide with the the next one going live for supporters). In it, I’ll be discussing some common themes between multiple games, digging into underappreciated gems from years gone by… The remit is broad and nebulous, to the point where it’s clearly obvious why I haven’t been able to come up with a name for it yet.

(If you end up thinking of something, please do let me know in the comments. More than anything it’ll stop me messaging Katharine a list of awful possibilites every other week, which I can only imagine is negatively effecting her feelings about me, the site and the endeavour of games journalism in general. They really have been that bad, folks. Proper rancid stuff).

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