The Best Flasks for Dads, Best Friends, Teachers, Barbers, or Just Yourself

Dads love using flasks. At least I assume this is true, since my father doesn’t drink alcohol and never has during my lifetime; thus, this article is partially a work of fiction for me, a living fantasy about what it could be like to share a swig of whiskey with one’s papa at a monster truck rally, Slayer concert, funeral, Mission: Impossible film, behind the scenes at Thanksgiving dinner when nobody’s looking, on a sailboat, or alongside $17 beers at a baseball game. (Clearly, I have never thought about this.) Anywhere you enjoy a secret nip together, it’ll (presumably) be a fun secret between the two of you, a feather in the cap of your perfect and beautiful relationship. The flask, like your special joy, is something that must be concealed from both your mom and the rest of society (I assume, again, since my parents split when I was five—damn, definitely gonna have to send my therapist this one). 

Anyway, having a very cool flask seems like a central part of being a cool dad. Here are some of our favorite flasks to get your dad for Father’s Day (or to just pick up for yourself).

Super durable, for your super durable relationship

Stanley products are forever, and this flask set, which comes with shot glasses and a metal carrying case, has absolutely huge “doing shots with dad while hunting/hiking/watching NASCAR” energy. Must be nice!


Shot Glass + Flask Set

$40$35.35 at Amazon

For the modern dad

This gunmetal flask from Viski brings serious post-military vibes, but also just, like, “I’m a clean, straight ahead daddy who likes a ‘lil nip” vibes. Whether he loves listening to Nine Inch Nails while tooling around in the garage or crafting fancy smoked meat in the backyard, your aesthetics-obsessed dad with a bit of an edge will love this.

When Dad hates everything (except drinking)

Your dad hates branded shit. He hasn’t heard of Succession and hasn’t read a book (that isn’t about history) in decades. He doesn’t care about style and thinks most music is bad (in his defense, most of it is). This totally nondescript flask is an eternal banger. I had this one when I was in college. Wait… son?

Only built for your classic dad

Another amazing Stanley product, this Master Series “unbreakable” flask is just totally timeless. It’s for lawnmowing dad; it’s for college graduation dad. It’s for ballgame dad and, yes, even Mario Kart dad. If there’s one flask to rule them all, it could be this one.


Master Series Unbreakable Flask

$41$26.62 at Amazon

The truly classy dad

Whether he’s into moonshine, red wine, or Scotch, your dad has no qualms about sipping in public; in fact, he’s proud of it. Also, he maybe fancies himself some kind of urban pirate or Italian party God. Naturally, he likes to see how much is left at a glance (so he knows when to refill).

Bormioli Rocco

Pocket Flask

$10.94 at Amazon

Don’t fuck with this dad

Either the dad drinking this is (or was) in the Army, or he got arrested for manslaughter and was on a plane home to you when a group of nefarious criminals took over the plane and rerouted it, so he had to fight them off to ensure his safe return to his family. In any case, he is not to be fucked with.

MVP Studios

U.S. Army Flask

$16.84 at Amazon

Upscale dad has RSVP’d to the chat

Dad loves a sip of Scotch or rye when he’s on the town (i.e. at a play or a golf tournament). He’s thoroughly dedicated to the finer things in life. Like, you know, Polo or whatever.


Leather Wrapped Flask

$150 at Shinola

Don’t tell mom

OK, so you’ve got one of those meme moms who rolls their eyes and yells whenever anybody is drinking excessively (or having a good time in any way). Help your dad avoid the doghouse by hiding his booze inside some fake binoculars or a bottle of sunscreen. Or, better yet, give it to you mom—she deserves a gift for dealing with your dad.


Binocular Flask

$16.99 at Amazon

Great, we get it, you have a cool dad. Congrats—enjoy your fun life drinking together in secret, with all your little jokes and convos about the birds and the bees.

The Rec Room staff independently selected all of the stuff featured in this story. Want more reviews, recommendations, and red-hot deals? Sign up for our newsletter.

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