“Is she serious?” was most people’s response to what the woman said. Many got shocked and couldn’t believe that someone could “neglect” their personal hygiene so much. The video on TikTok sparked a lot of discussion and got 12 million views.
Her boyfriend asked her a question.

The man came up to his girlfriend who used to live abroad and asked her, “How often do you shower?” He wondered if it depended on the place of living since the habits might be different in various countries.
The woman responded without hesitation.

She said she took showers only once a week. He went silent for a while and the woman gave him a weird look trying to understand what was wrong.
He repeated his question, “Once a week?” She confirmed and then added, “But I also use deodorants and perfumes. Besides, it’s summer, so I also go swimming sometimes.”
Her answer sparked a lot of discussion.

The comment section went wild. Some people said they took showers 2 or 3 times a day and couldn’t believe that once a week could be considered enough. One user said, “One day without showering, and I’m already in a bad mood.” Someone even joked, “She forgot to say that rain also counts as showering.”
The boyfriend explained everything.
The guy explained that it was a joke and mentioned that the video shouldn’t be taken seriously. Nevertheless, there are people who shower only once a week. Daily showering is said to be “expensive, polluting and unnecessary.” In any case, it all comes down to our habits, and there are no rules on how often we should shower.
In this article, we reveal what happens if you take showers twice or three times a day. Turns out it might not be the best choice after all.