About Us

Can you make one video on how to change the About text to About Us in the footer of every single page on the ISNN but not the Mark Richards footer or The Moore Show page.

Then can you add the text on the page About Us to

The ISNN.com will launched in 2023 with the slogan “spiritual news for the people,” because that is what we believe in.

The ISNN cares about the karmic reasons behind the news, the kind of world we live in, and about people. The ISNN is more than a spiritual podcaster network. It is a desire to help people see that there are no mistakes just experiences, with a finger on the pulse and a daily relationship.

Politically, The ISNN stands for ordinary working people looking to get on, building better lives for themselves and their families, regardless of where they grow up or which school they went to. The ISNN has endorses the election manifestos of both the Parties who endorse the best on the freedoms and best of the individual and fellow mankind.

The ISNN strives to the highest standards of accuracy in its reporting and continues to invest in original journalism.

Our journalists are expected to work to The Editors’ Code of Practice, the industry benchmark for good journalism, and that Code enforced by the Independent Press Standards Organisation.

Where readers have complaints or concerns about our reporting, The ISNN has a procedure in place to ensure those complaints are taken seriously and dealt. If you believe a story we have published is inaccurate, you can email news@theisnn.com or write to the Editorial Complaints Department at The ISNN, P. O. Box 143, Mineral Point, Wisconsin, 53565, USA.


The ISNN is published byThe ISNN part of the trading name of kevin Moore. A global media business focused on creating and distributing content that educates, informs and inspires our customers.

The ISNN-in-Chief: Kevin Moore

Managing Editor: Coming Soon