Attorney Samuel Dordulian Obtains $2,000,000 Settlement for Decades-Old Crimes Under California AB 218 Law

Dordulian Law Group (DLG) is pleased to announce a $2 million settlement on behalf of an adult survivor client who endured sexual abuse as a child. Under California’s AB 218 ‘lookback window’ clause, DLG’s sexual abuse attorneys were able to secure justice for our client despite the crimes having occurred decades ago.

Although the terms of the settlement require that the plaintiff and defendant remain anonymous and the details related to the abuse be kept confidential, lead attorney Samuel Dordulian expressed his satisfaction with the $2 million figure.

“Every sexual abuse case involving a child is difficult, but we feel the settlement is an indication that justice has been served on behalf of our client,” Dordulian said. “Had AB 218 not opened up claims for crimes occurring outside the statute of limitations, this never would have been possible. It’s another example of how important this type of state legislation – offering a revival window – is for survivors of childhood sexual abuse who otherwise would be left without any recourse against perpetrators.”

ABOUT AB 218: The law temporarily pauses the statute of limitations on child sex abuse claims through December 31, 2022. All survivors are currently eligible to file civil claims for financial compensation. Additionally, the bill includes a treble damages clause, allowing the courts the latitude to triple settlements or verdicts in cases where a cover-up is proven.

Dordulian and his team have successfully secured multiple settlements on behalf of survivors under AB 218, with over a dozen outstanding claims still in litigation.

ABOUT DLG: Dordulian Law Group is California’s leading sexual assault and abuse firm offering a unique four-tiered form of representation that goes beyond legal expertise to include critical resources and a 24/7 support network of dedicated professionals known as the SAJE Team (Sexual Assault Justice Experts). DLG’s SAJE Team is comprised of:

  • Litigation division led by Samuel Dordulian which includes a team of experienced and proven sex crimes attorneys
  • In-house licensed clinical therapist with over 15 years of experience available to coordinate support to survivors facing mental health struggles
  • An in-house victim advocate available to guide survivors throughout the legal process
  • An in-house Chief Investigator and retired LAPD sex crimes detective
  • CONTACT: For more information or to arrange for an interview with attorney Samuel Dordulian, please email or call 818-322-4056.

    Dordulian Law Group represents survivors of sexual assault, abuse, harassment, and misconduct nationwide. As a Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County, Sam Dordulian worked as a sex crimes prosecutor, successfully obtaining life sentences against some of the state’s most heinous criminals. Since founding his firm in 2008, Dordulian and his experienced team have successfully recovered over $100,000,000 for clients.

    Free Consultations: 800–880–7777

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