Call of Duty Mobile launches Season 5: Get Wrecked! next week with loads of new multiplayer features

Things are about to get really messy in Call of Duty Mobile when their fifth season of the year launches next week. Season 5 of the multiplayer shooter has been aptly titled Get Wrecked! as waves of flood and demonstrations are taking place because of the Atlas Corporation’s unnecessary meddling. Players can get in on the action through the new map, multiplayer and tournament modes, and cool new weapons.

Battle Pass

What players are looking most forward to is the offering of the Get Wrecked! Battle Pass in Call of Duty Mobile. the new FFAR 1 Assault Rifle will be available for everyone alongside the Guardian Scorestreak, camos, and blueprints. Another way to stack up on freebies is by redeeming this month’s CODM codes.

The Premium Pass offers all that, including new operator skins for Rampage, Synaptic, Sims, and Roze. Players can also get their hands on exclusive versions of the AK117, ZRG 20MM, FFAR 1, Shorty, and the Switchblade X9.


Multiplayer Map

Joining CODM in Season 5 is the Armada Strike map from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, which transports players onto a deadly ship. With regions both above and below the deck, the map offers something for all playstyles, be it close-range or sniping. There’s also the option of diving into the water and possessing the central control room.

Multiplayer Mode

The update also introduces Search & Rescue, a new gameplay mode which brings in a little Counter Strike action as players must either attack or defend bomb sites. Teams can win by either blasting or disarming the explosive or by completely eliminating the opposition. Note that downed players can respawn once every round if their dog tag is picked up.

Other Inclusions

The Tournament Mode has been improved with both Multiplayer and Battle Royale opening the door to weekly contests. Additionally, the contents of crates have been improved and there are new Melee Camos to collect. Also, be on the lookout for the Desolate Endurance event which tasks everyone with building their own survivor base.

Call of Duty Mobile’s Season 5: Get Wrecked! releases on May 31st at 5:00 pm ET.

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