Claritas Group heading for liquidation

CEO and founder Jon Wardle confirmed the news in a statement while thanking staff and suppliers for the impact of the failure.

He said: “I am sad to announce that Claritas Group has started the process of a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation.

“Firstly, I must thank every member of the Claritas team that kept supporting me, each other, all our customers that supported the group and our supply chain until the very end.

“I am sorry that this decision will affect you and your families and will be forever grateful for your support and commitment. If you are currently recruiting or planning to, then please do look for a member of the Claritas team to fill your vacancy.

“Thank you to those customers that over the last couple of years have recognised and supported Claritas Group and the industry through the many challenges we have faced together and most recently the inflationary pressures that have not just affected the construction industry but the whole economy. I am truly sorry for the impact that this will have on your projects, people and businesses.

“The challenge of cash flowing and managing the losses associated with the inflationary pressures of these uncertain times was just too great.

“To our supply chain who supported us to the end. I thank all of you and I am truly sorry for the impact on you, your respective employees and supply chains. In many ways, you are the most important cog in our diverse and fragmented industry.

“To the many consultants that we have worked with and that have supported us over the years. Thank you. Successful construction projects are delivered by teams and the roles that you play are critical to those successes.

“I am passionate about our industry and if nothing else I hope that the Claritas Group’s sad demise can provide inspiration for a more sustainable and collaborative industry.

“Construction is what I know, what I am passionate about and I hope that I am afforded the opportunity to continue my personal journey in this great industry, and I look forward to working with and or talking about it with you for years to come.

“Right now, I am truly sorry if you are being affected by the Claritas Group’s failure in any way.”

Claritas specialised in projects up to £70m across the residential, commercial and education markets.

Latest accounts for Claritas Group for the year to March 31 2022 show a £50.4m turnover generating a pre-tax profit of £455,000.

The accounts show Claritas employed 113 people and owed £2.8m to trade creditors.

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