Daily Horoscope: June 7, 2023

The moon enters cool Aquarius at 4:42 AM, encouraging us to take a detached look at things… at least until the moon meets Pluto in Aquarius at 4:48 AM! Intense emotions can arise at this time. We may feel challenged to let go of the past and embrace the unknown. We could crave affection and attention as the moon opposes Venus in Leo at 7:39 AM. Big feelings may surface as the moon squares off with Jupiter in Taurus at 12:35 PM. Watch out for short tempers as the moon opposes Mars in Leo at 10:11 PM, but passion could also be in the air!

All times ET.

Read your monthly horoscope for June!

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Aries: March 20, 2023 – April 20, 2023

Your focus can turn to your social life as the moon enters Aquarius, and you may connect with some influential and powerful people as the moon meets Pluto in Aquarius. The moon opposes Venus and your ruling planet Mars, both in Leo, inspiring dynamic changes in your love life or your artistic pursuits.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 – May 21, 2023

Your attention could turn to your career as the moon enters Aquarius, and you may achieve something important as the moon meets Pluto in Aquarius, or perhaps find yourself questioning what to do with your power and influence.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023

The moon enters fellow air sign Aquarius, which could find you focused on school or your next trip abroad. An important discussion about facts, feelings, and values can take place as the moon opposes Venus and Mars in Leo.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 – July 22, 2023

You and your partners may discuss themes like money and security today as the moon enters Aquarius. People can feel especially generous as the moon squares off with Jupiter in Taurus, but it’s important to be realistic about what to give and receive. Take time to reflect on what’s fair!

Leo: July 22, 2023 – August 23, 2023

The moon enters your opposite sign Aquarius, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart, and deep, profound emotions can be shared as the moon meets Pluto in Aquarius. The moon opposes Venus and Mars, both in your sign, Leo, inspiring big changes in your partnerships!

Virgo: August 23, 2023 – September 23, 2023

This can be a powerful day to rearrange your routine, dump an old habit, or simply make big changes as the moon enters Aquarius and meets Pluto in Aquarius. Virgos famously love their routines, but astrologers know Virgo loves efficiency even more, so if the way things have been going isn’t working, it might be time to switch it up!

Libra: September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023

The moon enters fellow air sign Aquarius today, which could find you focused on your love life or your creative endeavors, and a big breakthrough could take place around these themes as the moon meets Pluto in Aquarius. The moon opposes your ruling planet Venus in Leo, which can bring an important realization about your desires for the future.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 – November 22, 2023

The moon enters Aquarius, which can bring your focus to your home and family life. The moon meets your ruling planet Pluto in Aquarius, which could bring important changes in your personal life. You may be releasing the past in some significant way at this time.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 – December 21, 2023

The moon enters Aquarius and meets Pluto in Aquarius, which could find you having an intense and revealing conversation. Passionate discussions about values and goals could take place as the moon opposes Venus and Mars in fellow fire sign Leo.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Your focus may turn to finances as the moon enters Aquarius, and you might feel eager to make a big investment of time, money, or energy as the moon squares off with Jupiter in Taurus. Excitement could be high, but take time to think before you make a big leap! Exciting gifts may be exchanged, too.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 – February 18, 2023

The moon enters your sign today, Aquarius, and the moon also meets Pluto in Aquarius, which can find you sitting with intense feelings. You may be confronting issues in your relationships as the moon opposes Venus and Mars in Leo. Tempers might be short, but passion is also in the air! Make time for self care.

Pisces:  February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023

The moon enters Aquarius, encouraging you to slow down and rest. A powerful emotional breakthrough can take place as the moon meets Pluto in Aquarius. Big news may be shared as the moon squares off with Jupiter in Taurus.

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