‘Destiny 2’ Launches Secret ‘Vexcalibur’ Exotic Mission, Live Now

Destiny 2


Alright Bungie, you got me. I was just about to record my weekly video commenting that there wasn’t all that much content at reset this week, just a new battleground and Vex mini-mission on Neomuna. Instead, fans immediately discovered a secret quest that has gone live this week, one that we will be needing to re-run like Operation’s Seraphs Shield to fully kit out our new glaive, Vexcalibur. Yes, great now.

There are really only two main steps to this quest:

Step 1: Find the mission – Here you are going to The Gulch in the EDZ. Stay high and head off to the right where I’m guessing you’re instance will have a lot of people going this direction, now that the mission has been found. If the way is not open, you will have to kill cubes in the area to open the pathway. You will go through a secret passage and eventually find a familiar looking blue harpy. This will begin the mission. It recommends that you’re 1800 power, and I don’t believe this has a power delta attached to it, so far as I can tell.

Destiny 2


Step 2: Do the mission – There are a few different segments to this. I soloed it, but obviously it would have gone faster with a fireteam. It’s not matchmade, so you’d have to LFG. There are three main segments in between exploring Vex network areas. You will have to find a code of shape patterns an input them in a central nexus as Vex attack you to breach trough into new areas. These codes are 3-5 patterns and eventually, may be somewhat hard to find. Look off edges and a little bit down if you can’t find them.

The second part of the mission is a frenetic scramble which has you killing Vex and depositing purple motes into a central chamber which you then will hide inside while everything else is nuked. The number of motes goes up in time, and after two rounds you’ll have a boss damage phase, then two more and you kill the boss. I had the hardest time with this part solo, trying to kill the Vex while not dying and making sure I had enough motes. The UI pushes your mote total off the screen which is annoying.

The final part of the mission, and mild spoilers ahead, is a fight against a reprised Brakion from the old sunset Pyramidion strike. Yes, it Ashen Mir in the Vex network guiding you through this whole mission, so you will indeed fight his old foe. This has a few different phases. The second is the hardest, as you will once again have to input codes to break his immunity shield. They are located on the far right and left of the arena in little triangles on the ground. I couldn’t find them forever. Mob clear then do damage in phases once you break the shield. The final phase is the traditional “Brakion loses his head and runs around trying to murder you.” Kill him back.

The mission still doesn’t end here, but there’s no more real fighting, just a little bit of a jumping part and you’ll reach the end.

Step 3: Kill Vex – You are now tasked with killing Vex with Vexcalibur. It’s apparent that this is going to be another weekly farming mission. Additional weeks will unlock more stocks and grips for the weapon, and there are three catalyst perks as well. I’m not sure if there is a legend version of this quest like with Seraph you’ll have to run. That would be…tough, given what I just experienced. But a very, very cool quest, and a really big surprise. Well done, Bungie.

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