For those of you who receive The Dispatch I want to thank you for the responses to my question about your news consumption habits which I included in Friday’s Dispatch. I’ve gotten between three and four hundred of your replies so far. I really can’t express how valuable your comments and replies are. They’re very interesting and gratifying to me personally to read. But more importantly they are really, really valuable for our ability to make decisions about how we run the site and increasingly how we operate and communicate with you beyond just the website itself. They amount to audience research, though a much more personal form of that than the phrase usually describes.
As I said, there’s more than three hundred of them. So I’ve only gotten part of the way through them. I think I’ve replied to all the ones I’ve read, at least to the point of acknowledging. With some I have follow up questions and with some of you I’ve already exchanged a few emails back and forth. I’m going to try to get to all of them over the next couple days.
Thank you.