Escaping strings faster with AVX-512

When programming, we often have to ‘escape’ strings. A standard way to do it is to insert the backslash character () before some characters such as the double quote. For example, the string

my title is "La vie"


my title is "La vie"

A simple routine in C++ to escape a string might look as follows:

  for (...) {
    if ((*in == '\') || (*in == '"')) {
      *out++ = '\';
    *out++ = *in;

Such a character-by-character approach is unlikely to provide the best possible performance on modern hardware.

Recent Intel processors have fast instructions (AVX-512) that are well suited for such problems. I decided to sketch a solution using Intel intrinsic functions. The routine goes as follows:

  1. I use two constant registers containing 64 copies of the backslash character and 64 copies of the quote characters.
  2. I start a loop by loading 32 bytes from the input.
  3. I expands these 32 bytes into a 64 byte register, interleaving zero bytes.
  4. I copy these bytes with the quotes and backslash characters.
  5. From the resulting mask, I then construct (by shifting and blending) escaped characters.
  6. I ‘compress’ the result, removing the zero bytes that appear before the unescaped characters.
  7. I advance the output pointer by the number of written bytes and I continue the loop.

The C++ code roughly looks like this…

  __m512i solidus = _mm512_set1_epi8('\');
  __m512i quote = _mm512_set1_epi8('"');
  for (; in + 32 <= finalin; in += 32) {
    __m256i input = _mm256_loadu_si256(in);
    __m512i input1 = _mm512_cvtepu8_epi16(input);
    __mmask64 is_solidus = _mm512_cmpeq_epi8_mask(input1, solidus);
    __mmask64 is_quote = _mm512_cmpeq_epi8_mask(input1, quote);
    __mmask64 is_quote_or_solidus = _kor_mask64(is_solidus, is_quote);
    __mmask64 to_keep = _kor_mask64(is_quote_or_solidus, 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);
    __m512i shifted_input1 = _mm512_bslli_epi128(input1, 1);
    __m512i escaped =
        _mm512_mask_blend_epi8(is_quote_or_solidus, shifted_input1, solidus);
    _mm512_mask_compressstoreu_epi8(out, to_keep, escaped);
    out += _mm_popcnt_u64(_cvtmask64_u64(to_keep));

This code can be greatly improved. Nevertheless, it is a good first step. What are the results an Intel icelake processor using GCC 11 (Linux) ? A simple benchmark indicates a 5x performance boost compared to a naive implementation:

regular code 0.6 ns/character
AVX-512 code 0.1 ns/character

It looks quite encouraging ! My source code is available. I require a recent x64 processor with AVX-512 VBMI2 support.

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