Four Turtles, One Mission: The Orianne Society’s New Conservation Program

The world is facing an urgent threat – over 60% of turtle species are facing extinction. Among them, the Wood Turtles, Spotted Turtles, Blanding’s Turtles, and Bog Turtles in the northeastern United States are in danger. The Orianne Society, a leading conservation organization, is determined to reverse this trend and save these four turtle species. They have launched an initiative called the Hudson-Berkshire Turtle Conservation Program to achieve this goal.

The Hudson-Berkshire region is the only place in the world where all four turtle species occur. Spanning the lower Hudson River Valley and surrounding areas, the region is home to a wide range of reptile and amphibian biodiversity. However, pressure to develop the land is strong, and the need to protect habitat here is critical.

The Hudson-Berkshire Turtle Conservation Program is geared towards restoring the turtles’ habitat, protecting open spaces, and conserving the populations in the region. The program comprises several initiatives, including population assessments, landowner outreach, nest site restoration, and conservation planning.

“These four turtles depend on their ability to safely travel great distances from water, but far too many are killed by cars and heavy machinery. Working with landowners, especially farmers, to protect their habitat and give the turtles the space they need to live long lives is key to ensuring their future here.” – Kiley Briggs, The Orianne Society’s Director of Conservation

The time to act is now! Turtle populations and their habitats are declining, and these four turtle species in the Hudson-Berkshire region are at great risk.  The Orianne Society is calling for support in their turtle conservation efforts. A generous donor will match all funds raised, including donations from supporters like you. Your investment in conservation will be doubled.

By supporting the Hudson-Berkshire Turtle Conservation Program, we can protect these turtles and their habitats. Learn more about the program and how to support turtle conservation on our website:

About The Orianne Society

The Orianne Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of reptiles, amphibians and the ecosystems they inhabit.

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