How to use the Stupefy Stunning Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

During the first mission of Hogwarts Legacy, you will gain access to the Stunning Spell, Stupefy. This is one of the most well-known spells in the Wizarding World, as characters in the Harry Potter books and movies use it quite often. The spell does exactly what it describes; it stuns enemies for a brief time period, allowing you to inflict some free damage on them. However, unlike other spells in Hogwarts Legacy, Stupefy can’t be cast at any time. There’s a specific instance where you can cast Stupefy, and this has perplexed some witches and wizards.

For a full guide on casting Stupefy in Hogwarts Legacy, keep reading the guide below.

As the game’s opening tutorial explains, Stupefy can only be cast when players use the Protection Spell, Protego. Stupefy is considered Hogwarts Legacy’s counter-attack, meaning that it can only come after an enemy attacks you.

Hogwarts Legacy Protego
Provided by Warner Bros

To use Stupefy, you need to be holding the button for Protego. For us on PC, the default keybind for Protego is “Q” and it’s either Triangle/Y on controller. While you’re still holding the button for Protego, you need to focus on a single enemy and then press your basic spell cast button. This is R2/RT on controller and left-click on a mouse.

Instead of casting a normal attack, you will cast Stupefy on the enemy that you are targeting. You will know you’re targeting an enemy if they’re outlined in white. The main thing to remember when attacking with Stupefy is to hold the Protego button for as long as possible. This is where players get confused, as they will only tap the Protego button, resulting in a basic attack.

And that’s all there is to casting Stupefy in Hogwarts Legacy. As you progress the game and unlock more Talents, the spell will become even more powerful.

Related: Read more about how to get Crusio on GameSkinny.

Editor’s note: The creator of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, has made her anti-trans rights views widely known. We at Upcomer are vehemently against the views expressed by Rowling, and encourage our readers to read about the impact of her views at our sister site, The Mary Sue. If you would like to donate to help trans people in need, please visit Trans Lifeline or Mermaids UK.

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