Know the holiday return policies for Amazon, Target, Walmart, and others

Didn’t get exactly what you wanted during the holidays? Well, good news: you still have a chance at getting the gift you really hoped for. That’s because a number of retailers are offering return policies so you can exchange unwanted gifts for something a little more to your liking. Many have extended their return period as well, so there’s no need to worry about rushing out to get a refund before the new year.

For your convenience, we’ve collected the current return policies for a number of major retailers below, highlighting which will give you a little more time to make that refund.


Returns: Items shipped by Amazon between October 11th and December 25th can be returned for free until January 31st, 2023. Note that this policy applies to both Prime and non-Prime buyers.

Apple Store Beijing

Apple Store Beijing


Returns: Most products purchased online through the Apple Store and received between November 4th and December 25th can be returned through January 8th, 2023. Please note that this only applies to items that were purchased directly from Apple or an Apple retail store. Otherwise, you need to follow the specific retailer’s policy.

target 1020


Returns: Target allows electronics and entertainment items (excluding Apple products) purchased from October 6th through December 25th to be returned as late as January 24th, 2023, for a full refund. Apple products (excluding phones) purchased during the same window must be returned by January 9th, 2023. Any phone purchases made must be returned by January 8th, 2023.


Returns: Many items purchased on or after October 1st may be returned until January 31st, 2023. Policies covering some exceptions, such as phones, may apply.


Returns: B&H allows purchases bought after October 24th and before January 1st, 2023, to be returned or exchanged through February 1st, 2023 (with the usual exceptions of non-returnable items such as computers or TVs whose packaging has been opened).

Best Buy UK store

Best Buy 

Returns: Purchases made between October 24th and December 31st can be returned through January 14th, 2023. This doesn’t include items that come with a third-party contract, such as phones, cellular tablets, and wearables (which have a 14-day return period), or holiday products, such as tree decorations, and major appliances, which have a 15-day return window. Best Buy Totaltech members also have until January 14th for any purchases made between October 24th and November 16th, or 60 days from receipt, whichever is longer.


Returns: Costco generally has an open return policy, except for electronics such as TVs and computers, which have a 90-day return window. There are other exceptions, which are listed on its return page.

GameStop photo


Returns: New games and other electronics can be returned within 15 days provided the packages are unopened and you have the receipt. However, used items may only be returned or exchanged up to seven days following your purchase.


Returns: Dell offers a 30-day return policy with some exceptions; a restocking fee of up to 15 percent may be charged.


Returns: DJI offers returns within 14 days of receiving the purchase, provided it remains in like-new condition or suffers from some type of manufacturing defect.


Returns: Customers can make returns on purchases made between November 17th, and December 24th through January 15, 2023. There are some exceptions like phones, however.


Returns: You can return purchases made between November 1st and December 25th until January 15th, 2023. There are exceptions, however, and select items may be subject to a restocking fee of up to 15 percent.


Returns: Eligible products are currently still subject to the standard terms of sale listed on the Microsoft website. This allows for a 30-day return window from when the product was purchased.

A photo of the Newegg logo on a brown box


Returns: Products with the “Extended Holiday Return Policy” badge that were purchased between November 1st and December 25th are eligible for a refund until January 31st, 2023.

Sam’s Club 

Returns: Sam’s Club has no specified return period; some return periods may be stated for specific products.


Returns: Sonos gives you 100 days to return a purchase and even offers free return shipping. However, you must have bought the product directly from Sonos and the return must be initiated within 100 days of your purchase. The product must also include the original packaging and be in new or as-new condition in order to be eligible.

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