LEAVE THE BIG CITIES: Libby Emmons Joins Poso to Discuss Her Departure From NYC

During the second segment of Human Events Daily with Jack PosobiecThe Post Millennial’s editor-in-chief Libby Emmons explained why she left New York City, having taken Posobiec’s advice of leaving the big cities and moving elsewhere.

“I was very stung that I left New York, every step of the way, I found it shocking. I kept having to realize that I was leaving, but it wasn’t until the day after New Year’s that I realized that I hadn’t just left some place, I had arrived somewhere else.

“I was sitting here in my little office that I share with my son, I had the window open, and I heard church bells. It had been decades since I heard church bells. In New York City, I heard the call to prayer from the nearby mosque, I hear traffic and all sorts of noise. But I heard church bells, and then I realized that the church bells were playing Christmas carols! I had never heard church bells playing Christmas carols.


“I realized at that moment that, I had come to a place where my culture exists, that my culture neither in the arts nor particularly religiously or culturally existed anymore in New York City, and here I was listening to Christmas carols on a Christmas day, coming through my window. I felt my heart lift… It was really very joyous.

Posobiec asked about Emmons’ decision process, to which Emmons said it was a mix of “everything all at once. I was no longer part of the theatre community, I moved there to make art and theatre. That community is not one that I’m part of, and the art that I see coming out of it is not something I want to be a part of.

“School shut down halfway through fourth grade for my son and even though he’s been back, there was no education happening where he was. 36 kids in his class… there was no personal attention, he’d come home and tell me that his teachers would keep the students in the classroom after the bell rang because there were fights in the hall, lunches were terrible, it was just not working out for him and that was a huge deal.

“Also, the city has changed drastically, and that happened under De Blasio and COVID. The subways are not as safe as they were, the infrastructure of the subway system itself has entirely veered off course so that you could be on a train that you think is running express just to find that it’s now going to run local and you’re going to be late… Uber rides home in the middle of the night were $80, things like this. It was definitely the lifestyle that I had come to New York to have no longer existed. It at least no longer existed for me, and it definitely did not exist for my son.

“He’s of the age where I should be able to say, ‘go ahead to the park with your friends and come home when you’re ready,’ and there just was not a possibility for that. The park was not a safe place for him to go play and walk over to. There’s no playing when there are guns in the park because you worry that you might get shot, and his friends who are brown and they have to worry about getting shot as well… There were all kinds of concerns.

“Education, lifestyle, crime, also the political leanings of the city are so horrific. I definitely did not want my tax dollars to be paying for women from other states and get abortions, that’s something Kathy Hochul really wants to have to happen,” Emmons said.

Posobiec added he can’t wait to visit Emmons at her new home in West Virginia in the near future.

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