NASA Conducts Test of Redesigned RS-25 Moon Rocket Engine

RS-25 Hot Fire Test 2023

NASA conducts an RS-25 hot fire on the Fred Haise Test Stand at Stennis Space Center in south Mississippi on February 8, 2023. Credit: NASA / Stennis

Space Launch System (SLS) rocketunderwent its first hot fire test of the year on February 8 at the agency’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.

The series of testing supports production of new RS-25 engines by lead

RS-25 Hot Fire Test Stennis Space Center 2023

NASA conducts an RS-25 hot fire on the Fred Haise Test Stand at Stennis Space Center in south Mississippi on February 8, 2023. Credit: NASA / Stennis

The single-engine hot fire on the Fred Haise Test Stand followed a confidence test in 2022which tested whether all was ready to proceed with the certification series.

During the latest test, engineers fired the RS-25 engine for a full duration of about eight and a half minutes (500 seconds), the same amount of time the engines must operate to help power SLS to space. The RS-25 engine also operated at 111% power for most of the test, the same level needed to help lift SLS to orbit. The test featured a range of new components, most of which were installed for the December hot fire. One additional component – a new nozzle – was installed prior to the most recent hot fire.

RS-25 Hot Fire Stennis 2023

A remote camera offers a close-up view of the RS-25 hot fire on the Fred Haise Test Stand at Stennis Space Center in south Mississippi on February 8, 2023. Credit: NASA / Stennis

Four RS-25 engines fire simultaneously to generate a combined 1.6 million pounds of thrust at launch and 2 million pounds of thrust during ascent to help power each SLS flight. NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne modified 16 engines remaining from the Space Shuttle Program, which were proven flightworthy at Stennis for Artemis missions I through IV.

Every RS-25 engine that will help power SLS will be tested at NASA Stennis. RS-25 tests at the site are conducted by a combined team of NASA, Aerojet Rocketdyne, and Syncom Space Services operators. Syncom Space Services is the prime contractor for Stennis facilities and operations.

RS-25 Hot Fire Fred Haise Test Stand 2023

A remote camera offers a close-up view of the RS-25 hot fire on the Fred Haise Test Stand at Stennis Space Center in south Mississippi on February 8, 2023. Credit: NASA / Stennis

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