New studio Wildlight Entertainment formed by triple-A game veterans

More and more triple-A developers are breaking off to form their own independent studios.

Logo for game developer Wildlight Entertainment.

Developers from various triple-A studios such as Respawn and Naughty Dog have come together to form new studio Wildlight Entertainment.  Founded in 2022, Wildlight has billed itself as “comprised of talented creators from some of the biggest IPs” in the games space. 

Similar to Wayfinder Games from earlier in the month, Wildlight is a new w-named studio made up of ex-EA developers. Its staff page also lists alumni from developers such as Sony Santa Monica (God of War Ragnarok), Infinity Ward (Call of Duty: Ghosts), and Riot Games (Valorant). 

Like several new startups, the studio’s LinkedIn emphasizes having “a positive, supportive work environment built on mutual trust and open communication, where everyone has a voice and everyone is treated with respect.”

Serving as CEO is Dusty Welch, who previously worked at Respawn and Activision Blizzard. Welch co-founded the studio with design director (and fellow Respawn alum) Jason McCord. 

The studio’s first game will be a currently unannounced triple-A title that it’s been working on “for some time.” 

Though Wildlight has offices in Seattle and Los Angeles, it confirmed that it does offer hybrid or full remote work. “We believe people should be able to work wherever they can be most productive.”

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