The Order To Upgrade Your ‘Destiny 2’ Pirate Crew In Season Of Plunder

The Order To Upgrade Your ‘Destiny 2’ Pirate Crew In Season Of Plunder

Destiny 2


It’s that time again, we need to upgrade there rows of boxes full of upgrades for a new Destiny 2 season using timegated currency. Exciting!

As much as I wish they would put a little bit of a spin on this concept in future seasons so it’s not the same thing every time, this one is a bit different because we are hiring a pirate crew in Season of Plunder, which is fun, though I am operating under the notion that people probably want to focus on getting all the weapons from this seasons craftable through deepsight frames, which these upgrades will help with.

With that goal in mind, this is the order I would upgrade your pirate crew with what looks to be probably two available upgrades per week. If I skipped a node, I’m not considering it that high a priority. Also, you have to do all this to get the Scallywag seasonal title.

Destiny 2


1. Hire Halsiks the Sniper – I think he’s the best one because increased precision damage will make burning through enemies in the area you can summon him go pretty quick.

2. Floating Debris – This increases the chance for Plunder loot at the end of Ketchcrash. It’s all the loot, including the armor, but you can get Deepsight weapons if you’re lucky.

3. Hire the Skiffblades – I think hiring a second crew member is probably the right move as you need one more thing before you can move to the next, more valuable row.

4. Weapon Treasure Map – Now we’re talking, you can get a guaranteed weapon drop at the end of expeditions now.

5. Focused Weapon Spoils – This is where we can start focusing for weapons through Umbrals, though I would advise waiting to go nuts on this until you get some of the later Umbral energy upgrades.

6. First Mate Halsiks – Upgrades the sniper to give you grenade recharge too.

7. Magnetic Drill – Now a better chance to get Plunder loot from Expeditions as well

8. Hidden Compartment – This gives a guaranteed deepsight weapon once a week from Ketchcrash

9. Hire SCUR-V – Heading all the way back to hire the last crew member

10. Precise Cartography – Get more Umbral energy from treasure maps

11. Double Umbral Energy Map – Then get double Umbral energy from expeditions. Now this is when you can really get focusing.

12. Plunder Windfall – This gives you Umbral energy from playlist activities on occasion which you know you will be running anyway.

13. Rumored Treasure Map – Okay I don’t actually know what this is but if it’s in the last row it should be good.

So, that’s the order I’m going in for uh, the first seven weeks here, I guess, unless they give us more Repute to spend than two a week. Unlike last season, there is no currency in the ranking up of the vendor, at least in the first set of rewards here.

I may change this around if I learn anything else is especially valuable, but it’s what I’m going with for now. Enjoy.

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