Channeling Erik – Interview on The Moore Show – UK Coast to Coast am | Podcast #263
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Elisa Medhus, a physician, and mother of five has practiced internal medicine in Houston, Texas for over thirty years.

Elisa Medhus, a physician, and mother of five has practiced internal medicine in Houston, Texas for over thirty years. After the death of her 20-year-old son, Erik, Dr. Medhus began journaling her grief on her blog, Channeling Erik. She knew that only in helping others could she heal herself. Because of her strong science background, she formerly viewed spiritual matters such as the soul’s survival from death with skepticism, but once Erik began to communicate with family, friends, and blog members, her entire paradigm shifted. After devouring various books on quantum physics explaining the science behind spirituality, Dr. Medhus is no longer a skeptic.

Now, she channels Erik through a medium, asking him questions about death, the afterlife and so much more. As her blog members join her in this journey toward spiritual understanding, Erik continues to offer not only his insight as an insider on the other side, but also adds some comic relief with his mischievous pranks. She shares her journey in her book, My Son and the Afterlife: Conversations from the Other Side.

Erik has authored his own book, My Life After Death: A Memoir from Heaven.

My life has definitely been extraordinary. As far as Jamie Butler at The Center for Love and Light I can remember I have always been able to see the lights surrounding people and inanimate objects (energy fields). Along with seeing energy, I see spirits (clairvoyant) and I hear them (clairaudient). As a child, I would play hide and go seek with my spirit friends, but now as an adult, they give me great insight and guidance. Throughout the years of working with my guides, I have learned how to channel spirit, which is when a spirit relays messages by borrowing my body and voice to communicate to others.

Between the ages of 6 to 17, I let go of my abilities at the request of my mother. At the age of 18, I reconnected with these abilities, and I then began giving readings publicly when I was 20.

Jamie Butler grew up in Central Florida, which is where I studied “Psychic Awareness” with Marguerite Romeis for eight years. Marguerite taught me how to control my abilities and encouraged me to study Reiki (an ancient Tibetan healing art). I received the status of Reiki Master four years later in 1996. After completing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Florida I earned a Massage and Hydro-Therapy certification in 1998 from the Florida School of Massage. I then relocated to Atlanta where I live today.

In 2000, I received a Master's Hypnotherapist degree from The New York Institute. I extended this education with a one-week intensive in past life regression with Dr. Brian Weiss, MD at the Omega Institute. Already working world wide with my readings, I decided to launch a company in 2001, Love and Light LLC, designed to support, create and inspire spiritual growth through public channeling, guest lecturers, classes, and private sessions for all ages. Throughout the years, I have been a guest speaker at the University of Florida, Gwinnett College, and Georgia Perimeter College in Atlanta, and a frequent presenter for groups and radio shows throughout the US.


DATE: Oct 02, 2015

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Elisa Medhus and Jamie Butler

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