Cosmology, Space Exploration and Life Beyond Earth with Chris Impey | Podcast #541
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Chris Impey is a University Distinguished Professor and deputy's head of the astronomy department at the University of Arizona, in charge of academic programs. His research is on observational cosmology, gravitational lensing, and the evolution and structure of galaxies. He has more than 170 refereed publications and 60 conference proceedings, and his work has been supported by $20 million in grants from NASA and the National Science Foundation. As a professor, he has won 11 teaching awards and has been heavily involved in curriculum and instructional technology development. Impey is a past vice president of the American Astronomical Society. He has also been an NSF Distinguished Teaching Scholar, a Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, and the Carnegie Council on Teaching's Arizona Professor of the Year. Impey has written more than 30 popular articles on cosmology and astrobiology and authored two introductory textbooks. He has published three popular science books: "The Living Cosmos," "How It Ends" and "How It Began," and has three more in preparation, including one on his work in India with Buddhist monks from Tibet. He was co-chair of the Education and Public Outreach Study Group for the Astronomy Decadal Survey of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2009 he was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


DATE: Sept 06, 2017

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Chris Impey

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