Finding Peace in Chaos | Peace Train Movie | Podcast # 708
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What would the world – and life – be like if your birthplace and ethnicity really didn’t matter? Sara Salinger is an average Israeli teen, and her lifestyle is typical of teens around the world. But when she turns fifteen, she spends an amazing – and life-changing – week during the summer with fifteen other high schoolers at a peace camp in the United States. The caveat: half of the campers are native Palestinians and half are Israeli citizens.

We are supposed to hate each other. This sentiment runs through the minds of each camper. However, Sarah finds true friendship, true community, and true love during that extraordinary week. How does she take what she learned and share it with her friends and family back home? Can her thoughts of peace really change her world … and the world at large? Will her commitment to peace and understanding cost her after the most devastating tragedy possible strikes her?

An inspiring story of understanding humanity and finding peace in the midst of calamity, The Friendship Pod will leave you believing that there is hope for a better tomorrow.


DATE: May 28, 2020

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Renee Mollan-Masters and Marcella Robertson

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