Gary King

A former Lawyer, who once run a private detective agency in London, Gary King first encountered the crop circles in 1997. He was immediately captivated by the sheer scale and beauty of the designs, together with the enigmatic mystery behind how they are formed. This initial encounter completely changed his life. With an overwhelming urge to know more, he quit his career and dedicated himself to the task of trying to understand everything he could about the phenomenon. Ten years later, on the 7th of July 2007, he was to become one of three witnesses to what has become known as the “777 events”, where a huge crop circle formed in front of them during the night. Since then, he has lectured widely, both nationally and internationally, and has appeared in numerous TV news and documentary shows worldwide. He recently wrote a 16-episode series of documentaries for Gaia TV, together with a forthcoming 2-hour special on crop circles, which will air on the History channel in March.

Past show:


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