Overcoming Paralysis, Sickness and Disease, Journey of Self-Healing  | Podcast #810
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RJ Spina is a true leader and metaphysical teacher, and the world has never needed one so desperately. He has verifiably healed himself of permanent chest-down paralysis, severe chronic illness, and life-threatening conditions through his own authentic transcendence. His teachings, wisdom, guidance, and revolutionary self-healing and self-realization technique have already completely changed and saved the lives of many across the globe. He has dedicated his life to the freeing and healing of humanity on all levels.

RJ currently lives in San Diego, CA, and has recently started his non-profit, Human Advancement Through Higher Consciousness. He teaches revolutionary self-healing and self-realization courses, performs energy healings, and counsels people worldwide.


DATE: Dec 04, 2021

HOST: Kevin Moore


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