Past Life  & Life Between Lives Regression with Nancy Canning | Podcast #226
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In February 1998, Nancy Canning attended an intensive month-long hypnotherapy training at the Alchemical Institute for Healing Arts, located in Santa Rosa, CA. She returned home to begin her hypnotherapy counseling. Six months later, she began assisting at their basic training, as well as attending advanced hypnosis healing workshops. As a result, Nancy accumulated over 350 hours of hypnotherapy training and assistance.

In November 1998, Nancy read Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton, and by the time she was halfway through it, she knew two things for sure: (1) she had to have a session, and (2) she was born to do this work! Nancy contacted Dr. Newton and had her own spiritual regression. Nancy then returned home and began working with friends, guiding them on this extraordinary journey. A few months later, she returned to California and attended a 3-hour mini-training with Dr. Newton and validated that she was following all the correct steps! Six months later Nancy assisted in the first professional LBL training and became certified as a Life-Between-Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist. In 2002 Dr. Michael Newton invited Nancy to become a founding board member of the Society for Spiritual Regression. Nancy held the positions of treasurer and training registration coordinator for over three years. During that time, she helped create an intensive training program for other hypnotherapists and co-taught this training nationally and internationally.


DATE: April 23, 2015

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Nancy Canning

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