UFO Abducts Missing Woman In Argentina is found 40 Miles Away
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In a bizarre story out of Argentina, a missing woman was found 40 miles from where she had last been seen and told authorities that her puzzling disappearance was precipitated by the sighting of a mysterious white light that some suspect could have been a UFO. According to a local media report, the very curious case began on Monday morning in the town of Cuatro Esquinas when the unnamed woman at the center of the odd account was reported missing. After a lengthy search, police wound up zeroing in on an area where they subsequently found the disoriented woman the following day and she had quite the story to tell.

Unable to speak as a result of the puzzling incident, she wrote a message explaining that she had gone out to her patio after hearing a strange noise emanating from her yard and then spotted an inexplicable white light. Amazingly, the woman claims that a few hours later, she woke up forty miles away on the side of a road in the community wherein authorities ultimately found her. They knew to look for her there because, upon her reappearance, the woman made several odd cell phone calls to friends and family wherein she said nothing, but they could hear a peculiar buzzing sound. The witness has since regained her ability to speak and is recovering in a nearby hospital, though she has apparently not provided any additional details on her disappearance.

Adding a layer of intrigue to the case, a witness has come forward saying that they spotted an inordinately bright light coming from a seemingly out of place object in the sky over the general vicinity of where the disappearance had unfolded, but the sighting appears to have taken place several hours after the woman had purportedly 'reappeared.' As one might imagine, the weird account has piqued the interest of UFO researchers in Argentina, specifically Oscar "Quique" Mario, who has stressed that he is not jumping to conclusions about the matter. That said, he also noted that the woman nor her clothes appeared to be no worse for wear from the 40 miles journey, suggesting that she did not walk.

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