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  • Joy April Alfon
    “Miriam Subirana’s brushstrokes, so full of spontaneous vitality and color, show aesthetic confidence in a new culture that affirms the possibilities of harmony between being, earth, and cosmos. These canvases open us up to a spirituality that flows and gives us encouragement. In Miriam Subirana’s landscapes, there exists a thread of hope that delights and makes us brave.” José Ribas. Writer. Miriam Subirana's latest book The Joy of Caring explores how we can make our relationships a genuine flow from me to you and between us, releasing masks, guilt, and defensive attitudes that separate and exhaust us. It proposes practices
  • Joy April Alfon
    Syd Alexandria's passion is spirituality and science. Syd offers a variety of services that can be done virtually! Syd offers intuitive channel readings consisting mainly of past life information (most of which tend to be non-earth lives) and messages from crossed-over loved ones, answers to questions. Syd guides souls during past life regression sessions where it is common to speak from one's higher self, re-experience scenes of past lives, parallel lives, future lives, or scenes from this life that weren't remembered previously. Syd also does spiritual counseling & coaching! currently, Syd's services are on a donation basis with no set
  • Joy April Alfon
    Raised By Giants talks about all things spirituality with people from all backgrounds to bring you different perspectives of what's going on in the world on an individual and collective level; sharing insight, knowledge, and wisdom from their personal experiences. We're in a spiritual war right now on the planet and we can't solve the problems we face today with worldly solutions. Past show: Book(s): WEBSITE(S): FB Page YouTube Channel SPEAKER CHANNEL SPOTIFY CHANNEL ROKFIN CHANNEL CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS DOCUSERIES Instagram Account  
  • Joy April Alfon
    Chris Mathieu is the Host of Forbidden Knowledge News which provides Extraordinary interviews and presentations with amazing guests. Exploring our hidden reality. Past show: Book(s): WEBSITE(S): FB Page YouTube Channel SPEAKER CHANNEL PODCAST CHANNEL CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS DOCUSERIES
  • Joy April Alfon
    Skeptic Psychic is a new podcast hosted by brother and sister team Richard Gregg and Kimbra Rodriguez. Each episode is filled with information on all things supernatural. This Interview re-examines their recent podcast with Jo Ann Richards who was a guest speaker on their show regarding her husband Captain Mark Richards ssp, who is a fraudster, Stolen Valor, and mastermind to the murder of his friend Richard Baldwin in 1982. Past show: EXAMINING THE FAKE CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS STORY | PODCAST 824 Book(s): Midlife Magic WEBSITE(S): FB Page Spotify Channel YouTube Channel  
  • Joy April Alfon
    Skeptic Psychic is a new podcast hosted by brother and sister team Richard Gregg and Kimbra Rodriguez. Each episode is filled with information on all things supernatural. This Interview re-examines their recent podcast with Jo Ann Richards who was a guest speaker on their show regarding her husband Captain Mark Richards ssp, who is a fraudster, Stolen Valor, and mastermind to the murder of his friend Richard Baldwin in 1982. Past show: EXAMINING THE FAKE CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS STORY | PODCAST 824 Book(s): Midlife Magic WEBSITE(S): FB Page Spotify Channel YouTube Channel
  • Joy April Alfon
    Dr. Andrew Gallimore is a computational neurobiologist, pharmacologist, chemist, and writer who has been interested in the neural basis of psychedelic drug action for many years and is the author of a number of articles and research papers on the powerful psychedelic drug, N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), as well as the book Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game (April 2019). He recently collaborated with DMT pioneer Dr. Rick Strassman, author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, to develop a pharmacokinetic model of DMT as the basis of a target-controlled intravenous infusion protocol for extended journeys in DMT space.
  • morganabby
    On October 9, 2010, at the age of 86, Gloria Crystal "Teddy" Key Frances mother passed away at her Florida home, her family by her side. Nineteen days later, her beautiful voice began to communicate with her eldest daughter, Frances, about the scope and wonder of her new perspective from the afterlife state. This remarkable collection of insights, written in less than a year and divided into three books, has astounded friends, family and a growing circle of readers with its unique analogies, wit, depth of wisdom, and unusual outlook on the human experience. Teddy conveys that each soul is
  • Joy April Alfon
    Meg Allen first became aware of the Angelic Realm when she was four years old. Her younger brother had just died and she was woken by a bright, white light, there stood in the corner of her room a beautiful Angel; her Guardian Angel Arthur. Arthur stood with Meg through a troubled childhood and problematic teenage and adult relationships. One particular day, in response to Meg crying for help, She paid attention to Arthur’s response and was guided to the ancient self-healing system of Qigong. Meg had never heard of Qigong but was more than willing to see if this
  • Joy April Alfon
    Saly Elka has worked psychically her entire life as well as navigated the astral realms from a very early age. Saly is a contactee and abductee, as well as an extra-dimensional channeller. She channels a number of reptilian beings, with whom she works very closely, a mantis geneticist, and a number of feline guides. She is able to utilize the tarot and energy to bring forth communication beyond this dimension. Her mission is to open her heart to her clients to be an authentic guide by helping clients move toward a more harmonic energetic state of being. Sally hopes as
  • Joy April Alfon
    Ralph Ellis has been researching biblical and Egyptian history for more than 30 years. Being independent of theological and educational establishments allows Ralph to tread where others do not dare, and it is through this independence that Ralph has discovered so many new biblical and historical truths. Past show: Book(s): Jesus, King of Edessa WEBSITE(S):  
  • Joy April Alfon
    Dr. Steven Farmer brings years of extensive training and studies into his practice. An expert on a broad range of therapeutic techniques, he offers clients a unique and powerful synthesis of psychotherapy, somatic therapy, hypnotherapy, shamanic healing, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Tapping, and oracle card readings. This multi-modality structure allows Dr. Farmer to offer highly individualized and personalized therapeutic programs for his clients. Past show: Book(s): Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals (Common Sentience) WEBSITE(S):  
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