
Will you accept the invitation to live your greatest calling?

THIS IS IT This is what we have all been preparing for!

I have wanted to create this channeled course with The Council for the past five years and now, finally.... We are ready!

Every course and every vibrational experience with The Council to date has been leading to this five-week triumphant journey to radical new levels of awareness, an expanded Higher Self connection, and the steadfast confidence to jump into living your best life possible.

There is no more holding back, no more dimming your light, and no more playing small.

Connect to your highest existence and transform what it means to have a human experience. You can live your best life possible and if you will apply the wisdom and teachings in this course, it is Our Promise that you will have the confidence to step into living your highest potential in this life.



Valued at $354


This powerful, transformational, life-changing opportunity includes the wisdom and teachings to guide you step-by-step to live your greatest calling

This recorded, five-part online webinar series, plus Q&A, will provide answers, tools, & processes to help you discover.

Invitation From Your Soul

The Higher Self Connection

join Sara and the council as you learn how to connect your higher self and invite in the guidance, awareness and power of your soul

In Part 1, you will discover:

  • How to initiate and expand your Higher Self connection
  • How to cultivate more self worth ad greater levels of confidence
  • Best method and processes to access direct guidance and expanded awareness

Mysteries & Miracles Revealed

Align with Divine Orchestration

join Sara and the council as they guide you step-by-step to align with Divine Orchestration to experience miracles, synchronicities and a state of flow.

In Part 2, you will discover:

  • Understanding the mystery of coincidences
  • Lear how to trust in Divine Timing
  • Process fro unlocking miracles in your everyday life



Valued at $354


Tranformational Leader, Spiritiual Teacher, and Channel of The Council

Sara Landon is a globally celebrated transformational leader, visionary entrepreneur, spiritual advisor to people with big dreams, and channel of The Council. The Council is an energetic presence of nonphysical beings whose expanded awareness and higher-level consciousness are guiding people to answer the profound questions: "Who am 1? Why am I here? What is my life's purpose?

Together, Sara and The Council are fueling spiritual growth and personal transformation all around the world by helping people to reach greater levels of joy, love, health, wealth, and fulfillment in their lives. Their profound and powerful teachings have proven life-changing to countless people who have applied their wisdom to create positive change in their careers, businesses, relationships, bodies, and daily lives.

Whether you have been on a spiritual path your entire life or you are just beginning to awaken to the power within you, an experience with Sara and The Council can indeed be described as coming home to your own truth, which is quite possibly the gift of a lifetime.


"Sara has theprofoundlahility to get to the core of any situation and bring it back from chaos to wholeness and the essence of the truth that is illuminated by the only thing that matters; love. Whether kiprivate session, reading her daily inspirations or participating in her online courses, Sara's work has been one of Mytmain sources for my personal development since I met her. The shifts that I have pergonally experienced have been dramatically influenced by Sara's and The Council's capacity to hold and share the vibration of that which I also seek resonance with. Sara is a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation!"
-John Burgos

"Sara has theprofoundlahility to get to the core of any situation and bring it back from chaos to wholeness and the essence of the truth that is illuminated by the only thing that matters; love. Whether kiprivate session, reading her daily inspirations or participating in her online courses, Sara's work has been one of Mytmain sources for my personal development since I met her. The shifts that I have pergonally experienced have been dramatically influenced by Sara's and The Council's capacity to hold and share the vibration of that which I also seek resonance with. Sara is a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation!"
-John Burgos

"Sara has theprofoundlahility to get to the core of any situation and bring it back from chaos to wholeness and the essence of the truth that is illuminated by the only thing that matters; love. Whether kiprivate session, reading her daily inspirations or participating in her online courses, Sara's work has been one of Mytmain sources for my personal development since I met her. The shifts that I have pergonally experienced have been dramatically influenced by Sara's and The Council's capacity to hold and share the vibration of that which I also seek resonance with. Sara is a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation!"
-John Burgos


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