RTX 4060 Ti vs RTX 3060 Ti rasterization performance comparison at 1440p and 4K shows Lovelace GPU suffers due to low memory bandwidth

The ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 4060 Ti is one of many AIB RTX 4060 Ti models that are on sale. (Source: ASUS)
The ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 4060 Ti is one of many AIB RTX 4060 Ti models that are on sale. (Source: ASUS)

The RTX 4060 Ti is the direct successor to the RTX 3060 Ti. Although the Lovelace GPU offers a meaningful bump in rasterization performance at 1080p, it reportedly fails to provide a decent enough pure rasterization performance uplift at high resolutions like 1440p and 4K owing to a few questionable decisions by NVIDIA like the narrow bus width.

When NVIDIA announced the RTX 4060 Ti 8 GB, it claimed that the GPU performs up to 1.15x better vs the RTX 3060 Ti at 1080p with DLSS enabled where applicable. But, the company curiously left out any mentions of the board’s 1440p and, by extension, 4K performance. Now that the reviews of the RTX 4060 Ti are out, we can see the high-resolution gaming performance of the RTX 4060 Ti and the results are less than ideal to say the least.

According to TechPowerUp’s review, the performance difference between the RTX 4060 Ti and the RTX 3060 Ti shrinks as the resolution slides up from 1080p to 1440p to 4K. At 1080p, the RTX 4060 Ti was 13% faster than the RTX 3060 Ti with an average FPS of 131.4 across the tested games. The performance advantage for the Lovelace card slimmed down to roughly 10.5% at 1440p with average FPS numbers of 96.5 and 87.3 for the RTX 4060 Ti and the RTX 3060 Ti respectively. At 4K, the delta between the two cards declined further to 7% with the RTX 4060 Ti only producing 4 FPS more on average vs the RTX 3060 Ti.

Interestingly, Hardware Unboxed’s review yielded different results. Across the 15 games that the outlet tested, the RTX 4060 Ti averaged 111 FPS at 1080p compared to 102 FPS of the RTX 3060 Ti representing a delta of 9%. The performance gap between the two GPUs shrank to just 5% at 1440p while 4K saw the RTX 4060 Ti and the RTX 3060 Ti offer identical performance.

Finally, Gamers Nexus also showed the RTX 4060 Ti’s scaling problem in relation to resolution with the last-gen RTX 3060 Ti coming close to the performance of the Ada Lovelace board at 1440p and practically matching it in 4K.

So, why does the performance of the RTX 4060 Ti apparently not scale well with resolution? The answer could be found in the severely cut-down bus width and overall memory bandwidth, as the RTX 4060 Ti features a 128-bit wide bus and 288 GB/s of bandwidth vs the 256-bit wide bus and 448 GB/s bandwidth of the RTX 3060 Ti. As noted by Gamers Nexus, although NVIDIA claims that the presence of the 32 MB of L2 cache effectively increases the memory bandwidth of the RTX 4060 Ti from 288 GB/s to 554 GB/s, it doesn’t translate well into real-world gaming performance.

Long story short, it appears that the RTX 4060 Ti is barely an upgrade when it comes to rasterization performance without DLSS at 1440p and offers practically the same performance at 4K vs the RTX 3060 Ti. Coupled with the US$400 price, it is not surprising that retailers are allegedly expecting low demand for the new RTX 40 mid-ranger.

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Fawad Murtaza, 2023-05-25 (Update: 2023-05-25)

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