5 Key Tips for Luxury Brand Advertisers on LinkedIn [Infographic]

5 Key Tips for Luxury Brand Advertisers on LinkedIn [Infographic]

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Luxury brands can achieve strong results with LinkedIn ads, and if you’re considering the potential of LinkedIn for your brand, these tips may help.

In order to provide some additional guidance for luxury brand advertisers on LinkedIn, the team from VidMob recently analyzed over 2,300 luxury brand ad campaigns in the app. Based on this, they’ve been able to identify key, industry-specific best practices for creative design on LinkedIn, which could help to improve your campaign results.

And while these tips are based on luxury brand ads, they could also extend to other sectors as well.

Some interesting notes either way. You can read VidMob’s full overview here, or check out even more tips in its downloadable cheat sheet.

LinkedIn Luxury Brand tips

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