Spatial, the groundbreaking 3D social and co-experience platform, recently introduced its state-of-the-art Creator Toolkit. Powered by Unity, this innovative kit empowers developers with the means to efficiently create and publish engaging gasified experiences for mass audiences. Furthermore, users can access these moments across mobile, web, and VR. Additionally, the toolkit boasts several cutting-edge features. These include visual scripting, custom avatars, a world-linking system, and the capacity to establish quests and rewards.
Spatial and Metaverse Fashion Week
A number of early adopters have embraced the Spatial Creator Toolkit. In fact, amongst them are Grammy-winning artist Miguel and renowned fashion brands like Tommy Hilfiger and Vogue Singapore. These trendsetters will showcase their virtual experiences at the much-anticipated Metaverse Fashion Week, slated for the end of the month. Spatial’s groundbreaking Toolkit allows them to craft immersive and interactive formats, captivating fans in a similar way to what YouTube did for Web2.
Upcoming Open Marketplace
In addition to the Creator Toolkit, Spatial will also be rolling out an open marketplace later this year. This launch will be the final phase of Spatial’s push to empower creators to develop sustainable businesses. While the full details have yet to be released, the marketplace is primed to be an attractive offer for any 3D creator who is looking to grow their business in the space. Spatial will also be attending the Gamers Developer Conference (GDC) in San Francisco for any community members interested in meeting the team. Stay tuned for updates on how this transformative platform will continue to deliver for fans, developers, and the community.
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