What BPA can do to our bodies—and how to limit your exposure

What BPA can do to our bodies—and how to limit your exposure
  • Science

The chemical used to make plastics is more prevalent than ever and remains unregulated in the U.S.—despite thousands of studies showing “overwhelming evidence of harm.”

Published June 20, 2023

7 min read

BPA isn’t regulated in the U.S., so you won’t find it on labels. It’s undetectable without chemical testing. And it’s nearly impossible to avoid.

Bisphenyl A (BPA) is used to make plastics and can come into our bodies through ingestion, inhalation, or touch. Though research shows BPA is mostly broken down and disposed of by our bodies in a matter of hours, it can potentially be harmful, especially over years of exposure.

Identified as an endocrine disruptor, BPA has been linked to breast and ovarian cancer, as well as immune, thyroid, and metabolic issues

The Center for Environmental Health (CEH), an environmental watchdog group based in California, recently found

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