Channeling Jesus, the building of Stonehenge and the Roswell UFO Crash | Podcast #332
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This is the third book and it continues the saga of the author's spiritual awakening that began when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise--an emissary from the spirit world. The author recounts more astral adventures with Albert who took him to meet several distinguished souls on the Spirit Side, including Moses, Jesus, and his mother Mary, Lucifer, and the goddess Athena. In the Akashic Records, he got to view an ancient human civilization that lived among the dinosaurs, the building of Stonehenge with the help of visitors from the stars, and the crash of the alien spacecraft in Roswell in 1947.


DATE: Feb 29, 2016

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Garnet Schulhauser

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