Living Beyond Fear, Anxiety, Anger, and Addiction  | Podcast #630
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These days there’s so much fear in the air, you can almost taste it—along with all the varieties of anxiety, anger, and addiction that grow out of it. How can you navigate your way through the fear and confusion, and find your way to peace?

In Fear Less, acclaimed teacher and award-winning author Dean Sluyter shows how to use simple meditative techniques and subtle tweaks of body, mind, and breath to open your life to deep, relaxed confidence. Drawing on ancient enlightenment teachings as well as contemporary research, he lays out practical, easy-to-follow steps for addressing such issues as:

• letting go of compulsive overthinking

• loosening the bonds of addiction (including smartphone addiction)

• overcoming the fear of death

• finding meditative stillness in the thick of activity


DATE: Mar 14, 2019

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Dean Sluyter

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