Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss – What Science Says

Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss – What Science Says

Apple Cider Vinegar Jar

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented liquid made from aged apple cider and has many uses. It’s a tasty ingredient for making salad dressings, but some people regard it as more. They believe that consuming apple cider vinegar makes it easier to lose weight, and may even improve their metabolic health. Is there any truth to this idea? Let’s look at what science has found so far about apple cider vinegar and its potential weight loss benefits.

How Apple Cider Vinegar Might Enhance Weight Loss

Studies show that apple cider vinegar modestly lowers the rise in glucose you get after eating a food. With apple cider vinegar on board, your glucose doesn’t rise as much after a meal, and your body doesn’t need to make as much insulin. When there’s less insulin around, your body can more easily break down fat and is less likely to store it, leading to weight gain. Another way to look at it is apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity, which is good for your waistline and metabolic health. When you have better insulin sensitivity, you’re less likely to accumulate deep belly fat called visceral fat.

There’s another way apple cider vinegar may give you a weight-loss edge. It has a mild appetite-suppressing effect, meaning you may eat less when you add vinegar to a meal. One way it reduces appetite is by slowing the rate at which food exits your stomach. So, your stomach stays distended longer. A stretched stomach activates hormones that turn off your appetite.

The active ingredient responsible for the blood-sugar-lowering benefits of apple cider vinegar is acetic Read More


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