BuzzSumo’s Journalist Database: See What Journalists Create So You Can Better Connect

BuzzSumo’s Journalist Database: See What Journalists Create So You Can Better Connect

Journalists create content for a living. They write, post, and share every single day. 

A journalist’s content and social activity can tell you everything you need to know about crafting a pitch that they want to publish.

At BuzzSumo, we understand this. In fact, we see that data as the key piece of the coverage puzzle 🧩 

While many databases tag-on journalist content and social insights, we’ve been building our tool around them since 2014.

And now we’ve created our Media Database, to help you get to know journalists better than ever before.

Get ready to master pitch personalization, find better “ins” to a journalist’s world, and see a turning point in your pitching and coverage.

We show you what journalists create so that you can better connect.


  • What does the database include?
  • What does the database help you do?
  • Why THIS database over all the others?
  • How do you use the journalist database to win coverage?

What does BuzzSumo’s journalist database include?

BuzzSumo’s Media Database gives you the ability to search: 

  • 700K journalists and authors
  • 7K media outlets
  • 160K human-verified journalists
  • 2M contact details
  • 150K topics / beats
  • 8 billion pieces of content

…and counting.

Access an index of contacts AND content, so you can pitch without a hitch.

The journalist database opens up a world of journalist intel, including their:

  • Beats / topics
  • Contact details
  • Social profiles
  • Publications
  • Most recent content
  • Most popular content
  • Entire content portfolio

And it gives you the ability to analyze and verify a journalist for your PR activities, based on:

  • Number of articles created on topic
  • Total engagement of articles created on topic
  • Recency of published content
  • Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Reddit engagement
  • Number of links driven
  • Facebook reactions (Angry, Haha, Love, Sad, Wow)
  • Evergreenness of content
  • Journalist alerts

Once you’ve found the journalist’s most relevant to your PR campaign idea, you can

  1. Bank them all in the Media List tool
  2. Create AI assisted pitches
  3. Personalize each pitch with real data
  4. Send and report on your outreach

This will help you keep track of your dream journalists, hyper-personalize your pitching, and land major coverage.

What does the database help you do?

Identify the perfect journalist for any campaign

Spot your perfect journalist for any client or campaign and earn coverage in your desired media outlets.

The database gives you the most up-to-date intel on your journalists’ content and contact info, so you can find the people who have the power to promote you in local, national, and international press. 

Build targeted Media Lists

BuzzSumo’s Media Lists tool is a powerful feature that allows you to save and export the details of journalists most relevant to your project, campaign, or client. 

Save and export journalist contact details

BuzzSumo’s journalist database tools feature journalist contact details (if available), helping you make outreach a reality. 

Use AI to save time pitching, and spend time personalizing

Use the power of AI to help write and structure your pitch with just a simple prompt.

Then dedicate the bulk of your time to immersing yourself in your journalist’s world.

When it comes to perfecting your pitch, have Journalist Profiles to hand so you can top-up your personalization research when it really matters.

The database gives you cards showing journalist’s most recent and far-reaching coverage, their social media accounts, bio information, and more – all at the point of pitching.

Just dig into the data on the left, and add in your personalization on the right.

Here’s an example of a personalized subject line we managed to research and write in under 5 minutes, simply by clicking a journalist’s social profile there on the left.

Looking at this journalist’s social posts at the point of pitching helped us create a subject line that is far more likely to spark recognition.

Send and report on the success of your outreach

Know who’s picking up your pitches, so you can report back to clients on progress, and make your follow ups count.

Why THIS journalist database over all the others?

More data for personalizing pitches

Our competitors’ customers often report a lack of depth to their database topics and intel.

Some only track 1 social media platform, and give you 1 year of data.

BuzzSumo, on the other hand, offers 6 social platforms, 5 years of data, 8 billion articles, 300 trillion social media engagements, and 150K topics (and breathe 😮‍💨).

In other words: the greatest breadth and depth of journalist content insight on the market 😎

By understanding all there is to know about a journalist’s content, you can create hyper-personalized, scroll-stopping pitches that land you big coverage.

More data for picking the right journalists and reporting on coverage

Journalists hold a lot of power when it comes to mentioning your brand, but you also have the power to choose them.

BuzzSumo gives you the largest database of social engagement data in the world and over double the amount of journalist content compared with other leading databases. 

This means you can zero-in on the most engaging journalists pre-pitch, and accurately measure the impact of your coverage post-pitch

The most up-to-date information

We’ve heard from a lot of PRs that rival journalist databases often contain outdated information – whether that’s a journalist’s contact details, latest beat, recent coverage, or media outlet. 

We’ve spent a lot of time making sure BuzzSumo’s database of journalists surfaces only the most recent and relevant information – to help you pitch the right people and nail your newsjacking.

We push through an average of 350K updates to our Journalist Profiles every month – including bio and contact information, topics, article URLs, engagement metrics, and total number of articles.

We also let you refine your database searches by recency, so you’re always basing your PR decisions on the freshest data. 

Completely free 30 day trial. No card required.

Unlike rival tools, BuzzSumo’s Media Database is self-serve, straightforward, and free for a whole 30 days. 

Nearly all other journalist database tools don’t have any free trial to speak of, while others limit theirs to seven or 14 days. 

With BuzzSumo you can try before you buy.

There’s no timely configuration – you can get going straight away. 

And, because we know PRs write every day, we also give you monitoring and content creation tools along with the database. 

The best part? You don’t even need to log in to get value out – get journalist and content alerts to your inbox or Slack, and analyze journalist content or Twitter activity via the Chrome Extension…

We validate journalists against one of the biggest and most reliable players in the space

We manually validate every email in our database to make sure your pitch is getting through to the right people.

Self-identified journalists

We source journalists’ topics from self-reported beats, hashtags, and what they’ve covered in their articles. Don’t settle for “Health reporter” – filter by an industry-leading level of specificity to find the exact contacts relevant to you.​

More bang for your PR buck

BuzzSumo’s journalist database is one of the most cost-efficient options on the market. Check out our plans and pricing, and see for yourself.

Real reporting over reach scores

Sort and manage your media contacts by actual impact on audiences, not made-up reach scores.​

Our Media Database tools come packed with engagement and authority metrics, so you can score journalists, outreach, and coverage by real audience interest.

How do you use the journalist database to win coverage?

Start off by thinking about your goal, and what you want to find in the database. 

Do you have a specific journalist in mind already?

Do you want to study their content and get inspiration for a personalized subject line? 

If so, search for a specific journalist.

Or maybe you have a client in a specific industry niche, and you want to find journalists that cover that vertical? 

Then just search your chosen topic(s) and verticals.

Perhaps you’ve noticed that The Metro is the most likely publication to help you earn free content syndication, and you want to find a journalist to pitch there.

Then search in media outlets.

If you’re taking part in quick-turnaround newsjacking then finding journalists creating relevant content right now is probably your top priority.

If so, search your topics, and set a recency filter.

Once a journalist has caught your eye, check out their beat, article engagement, and publications. 

You can even take them over to the Content Analyzer to compare them on their ability to drum up engagement and earn syndication…

Then when you’ve found your top journalists, hit “Save to Media List” to start your outreach.

You can create a new list or add to one you prepared earlier, and for a feed of their most recent content, just hit “Open in Content Analyzer”

There are tons of other ways you can use BuzzSumo’s journalist database tools – but don’t just take our word for it. 

Grab your free 30-day trial now and find out more about the database in our help center.

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