DNV and PCL to work on sustainable, future-proof ship designs

DNV and PCL to work on sustainable, future-proof ship designs

Home Green marine DNV and PCL to work on sustainable, future-proof ship designs

September 12, 2023,

Fatima Bahtić

Classification society DNV and Singapore-based ship owner and operator Pacific Carriers Limited (PCL) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on sustainable, future-proof vessel designs.

DNV and PCL to work on sustainable, future-proof ship designs

Under the agreement, the partners will work on decarbonization strategies to accelerate the development of alternative fuels with net-zero in mind.

In addition, DNV and PCL will continue earlier efforts to enhance PCL’s ESG roadmap as well as fleet management and optimization measures.

“We welcome the recent revision to GHG emission reduction targets by IMO at the MEPC80. I am pleased to continue the collaboration with our valued partner – DNV – in areas of new ship designs and alternative fuels, which are key in our endeavour to net-zero,” said Hor Weng Yew, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of PCL.


Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO Maritime, DNV said: “The maritime industry is rapidly changing, driven by digitalization and stricter regulations pushing for fleet decarbonization. The renewed MoU between DNV and PCL highlights our strong partnership in pursuit of improved operational efficiency and reduced GHG emissions. We’re excited to continue leveraging our broad expertise to support PCL’s transition.”

“We are pleased to be growing our partnership with PCL through this MoU today, which signifies their confidence and trust in our technical capabilities. As experts in the field, DNV has the know-how and experience to support PCL in mitigating risks and achieving its emission goals in a safe, quality manner,” Cristina Saenz de Santa Maria, Regional Manager South East Asia, Pacific & India, Maritime, DNV, said,

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