The guitar summer camp is an unparalleled musical experience. You get the chance to immerse yourself in music, guided by knowledgeable and supportive teachers, in the company of likeminded enthusiasts, far from the distractions of your daily routine.

With that in mind, we want to hear your stories from guitar camp! Did you study with one of your guitar heroes? Is there a jam session that sticks out in your personal musical history? Was there a specific guitar tip or trick you picked up? What is it about your chosen guitar camp that keeps you coming back every summer?

Please call and leave us a voicemail at (510) 215-0020 or email your stories

Note that your name and submission may be used in an upcoming episode of the Acoustic Guitar Podcast.

Not familiar with guitar camps? Check out our in-depth feature, Learn from the Best: Plan Your Summer Camp Getaway. For a quick look at the wide-range of offerings, check out our list of active camps.