Bernhard Guenther

Being very emotionally sensitive and battling depression throughout his early life, Bernhard started to face his shadow and fears. Growing up in Munich, Germany, Bernhard moved to California in 1994 to study drums and percussion at the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology (PIT), Los Angeles. His exploration into rhythm and music became a journey of self-discovery and healing which lead him to spiritual/psychological self-work and the Healing Arts, studying and practicing Yoga, Qi Gong, Meditation, Dance, Psychology, Shamanism, as well as various spiritual and ancient esoteric teachings.

His personal healing process also inspired him to explore the mysteries and hidden knowledge surrounding our planet and humanity’s origins, questioning the roots of what constitutes “reality”, and how social (and spiritual) conditioning impacts our collective and individual search for truth, fulfillment, and happiness in all aspects of life.


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