Channeler and Medium Jamie Butler Including Erik Medhus | Podcast #536
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Jamie Butler is a medium, an author of the book: With Love and Light, and the energy channeler for Erik Medhus who many are familiar with through the blog "Channeling Erik".

Jamie Butler's life has definitely been extraordinary. As far as she can remember she has always been able to see the lights surrounding people and inanimate objects (energy fields). Along with seeing energy, she sees spirits (clairvoyant) and hears them (clairaudient). Throughout the years of working with her guides, she has learned how to channel spirits.

In 2010 Elisa Medhus, an accomplished physician, came to see her. Elisa had lost her son Erik to suicide and was hoping to receive some answers, even though she felt pretty skeptical having been raised as an atheist. She definitely placed her faith in science. Elisa’s questions came across as precise, clear, and direct. Moreover, her son Erik (in spirit) to whom she was asking her questions, was chatty, loud, and direct. For Jamie as a medium, this was the perfect storm. There was never a moment of silence between the two of them.

The work between Elisa, Erik, and Jamie has resulted in two books: My Son and the Afterlife, My life after death, the blog: Channeling Erik, and a Youtube channel (Dr. Medhus) where Elisa asks questions and Erik answers through Jamie.


DATE: Aug 23, 2017

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Jamie Butler

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