Corporate Lawyer Tells of His Experience of Going to Heaven | Podcast #626
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It has been quite a ride! Ever since I met my spirit guide, Albert, disguised as a homeless man, that fateful day in 2007, my life has never been the same. I went from being a buttoned-down, straight-laced corporate lawyer to an author who has published four books (including this one) about my dialogue and subsequent astral travels with Albert.

Once I decided to come out of the spiritual closet there was no turning back, and I have no regrets whatsoever. I have lost a few friends along the way (some of whom likely think I am suffering from an early onset of dementia), but I have gained many new friends who have encouraged me to continue writing about the revelations from Albert and the otherwise souls I have met during my travels.

This book is a sequel to my first three books, Dancing on a Stamp, Dancing Forever with Spirit, and Dance of Heavenly Bliss, as it chronicles my most recent astral adventures with Albert. As with the first three books, Albert had a carefully-planned agenda all mapped out—designed to teach me (and all of humankind) a lesson or to provide us with a nugget of wisdom to help us understand who we are and why we are having a human journey on this planet.


DATE: Feb 28, 2019

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Garnet Schulhauser

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