David Icke’s Ultimate interview  On The Perception Deception | Podcast #188
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David Icke, the world's most controversial author, has spent the last quarter of a century unraveling the secrets of the Universe, reality, and the forces that manipulate our world.

What was once ridiculed and dismissed is now being confirmed again and again as Icke, a figure of fun for so long is acknowledged as a man way ahead of his time.

In this massive work of 435,000 words, 900 pages, and more than 800 illustrations, Icke lays out in dot-connected detail a lifetime of research and insight about our 'computer'-simulated reality, the holographic universe, and the hidden non-human forces that are manipulating human life via hybrid bloodline families and networks into a global Orwellian state of total control.

What Icke exposes across a vast range of connected subjects, people and events provide the tools and awareness for humanity to stop this unfolding nightmare and restore the world to what it once was and will be again -- a place of love, harmony, peace, and awakened consciousness.

As Icke says: 'I can now see that my whole life has been leading to this book.'

Includes 32 pages of original artwork by Neil Hague.

David Icke is a former professional soccer player, journalist, and network anchorman with the BBC. He was the spokesman in the 1980s for the British Green Party and since 1990 a full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world. He is the author of 15 books, ''Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster, and his latest book, 'Infinite Love is the Only Truth - Everything Else is Illusion. On his never-ending quest for 'truth', he simply says - the cutting edge just moved. Never before has a book explained with such clarity why 'physical' reality is merely an illusion that only exists in our brains. But David Icke's information, presented in a way that everyone can understand, is a life-changing exposure to both the illusion we believe to be 'real' and the way this illusion is generated and manipulated to imprison us in a false reality.


DATE: June 02, 2014

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: David Ickes

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