A Healer, A Visionary – Interview with Universal Energy | Podcast #546
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Douglas was six years old when his grandmother died. He was deeply moved and experienced a profound sense of separation and a change within him as he watched her depart this life. In a sense, he followed her in her journey and believes that is how his connection to the ‘Higher Intelligent Energy’ began. Yet, it was only really later in life that this manifested itself as an Energy Healer and Visionary.

In our lives, we learn that there is a time and place for everything – and sometimes events are most unexpected. In 1990, whilst Douglas was in Aspen Colorado on a business trip, he met a lady with a neck injury that had left her in severe pain after skiing. He felt compelled to ask if he could help her as he sensed intuitively that he could heal her (much to the amazement of his business colleagues). She made a full recovery after her agony with just one healing. Douglas’s journey as a healer had begun and he has gone on to heal many thousands of people since that day.

His story though has an enormous twist. Douglas’s higher connection was and still is increasing in strength and ability on an exponential curve. Whilst running healing workshops during the mid-1990s, in the UK, USA, and Europe, Douglas became increasingly aware of a voice (sometimes more than one) coming from the Higher Energy connection.

This voice was pointing out things about people in the same way as a doctor gives not only medicine but also advice. The insights into his client's past, present, and future accelerated the healing process; as Douglas says, ‘we need to heal our lives, not just a symptom’. ‘Many of the underlying causes of our physical and emotional issues lie within our lifestyles, families, work, and social connections. We need to heal all aspects of our lives for truly rounded happiness’.

Douglas Ballard works today across the world consulting on a one-to-one basis, and also with businesses large and small. We spend a very large part of our adult life working and making business-related decisions, and so need a great deal of support in this aspect of our lives. As a former businessman and Member of the Chartered Management Institute, Douglas points out that the Universal Intelligent Energy connection is not separated from any aspect of our lives; many stresses are born and resolved in these environments. From property management, city finance, marketing, and IT, the stories to follow illustrate clearly the exceptional and extraordinary insight and guidance on people, their work, and financial decisions that have helped clients overcome great obstacles and create highly successful businesses.

Douglas’s journey as a healer and visionary had taken him around the world practicing in New York, Aspen, and Michigan in the USA, with businesses and the public in Austria, a specialist dental practice in Portugal, regular appearances in Ireland, and the UK, recently even a prima ballerina traveled all the way from Japan to receive Douglas’s healing. The variety and reach of his healing and visionary skills provide a great reading in the Case Studies to follow.


DATE: Sept 24, 2017

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Douglass Ballard

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