Harald Kautz-Vella

Harald Kautz-Vella (1966) is an independent scientific researcher based in Germany. His revealing work is founded on biophoton research and scalar physics. His story which starts with hard-core chemistry and physics leads us, via exposing the hidden agenda of the anti-natural assimilation of all natural life forms on this planet, at the end towards spiritual transcendence.

Harald is one of those rare researchers who can put together both the spiritual-metaphysical and the scientific. He started to look at the topics of AI, chemtrails, Morgellons, Smart Dust, and nano-technologies while looking at environmental protection analysis and, “came across a number of substances that shouldn’t have been in nature because they are 100% artificial, and they are high-tech, and if you root these substances back to what they are designed for, you come to Transhumanistic technologies, which is the attempt to get an interface between artificial intelligence and biological.

If you ask the Transhumanists themselves, they would always say they would like to give humans better access to AI — and if you look into the technologies, it’s always the opposite way round, it’s always showing the AI access to the human, in the sense of getting the human system controlled from the outside.” Is this control exogenous, weird for sure, but alien?

The time loop-Consortium: time loop is a consortium of scientists founded in 2013 with the objective of understanding Morgellons disease and announcing possible prophylactic solutions to be found in the field of Environmental Medicine.



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