How to go From Chaos to Clarity and Creating A Life You Love | Podcast #287
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So many of us walk around living our lives and working the jobs that we think we should. We start to think life has to be this way; that we should just suck it up and get on with it. We question if true happiness is ever possible or just something that happens in Hollywood movies. We wonder if we can ever find the answers to the questions we've been asking our whole lives. Or, maybe we just feel that something is missing because we feel empty and unfulfilled.

But, the truth is, it doesn't have to be this way. It is possible to create the life we really want - we can truly have it. That is what the author and this book are all about.

Alex shares her own struggle with being stuck and how she was able to transform a life that was difficult, stressful, and frustrating into one of ease, calm, and optimism. She provides just the right balance of autobiographical experience with how-to information and techniques that readers can use to get unstuck in their lives.

The book flows in such a way that readers will feel themselves floating along on their own personal development journey. They will learn how to identify what is really keeping them stuck, where it came from, and most importantly, how to move beyond it and get unstuck.

Alex provides a step-by-step guide for how to change long-standing beliefs and subconscious thoughts that may be sabotaging us or keeping us stuck in place. She also shares specific methods and resources to determine what we really want and how we can create it in our lives.

This book is the real deal because the author walks her talk. She has used the tools and techniques she shares to transform her own life and she knows they can work for you, too. Dare to be happy and fulfilled - pick up this book today and enjoy the ride!

DATE: Nov 19, 2015

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Alex Bratty

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