Jamie Butler

My life has definitely been extraordinary. As far as Jamie Butler at The Center for Love and Light I can remember I have always been able to see the lights surrounding people and inanimate objects (energy fields). Along with seeing energy, I see spirits (clairvoyant) and I hear them (clairaudient). As a child, I would play hide and go seek with my spirit friends, but now as an adult, they give me great insight and guidance. Throughout the years of working with my guides, I have learned how to channel spirit, which is when a spirit relays messages by borrowing my body and voice to communicate to others.

Between the ages of 6 to 17, I let go of my abilities at the request of my mother. At the age of 18, I reconnected with these abilities, and I then began giving readings publicly when I was 20.

Jamie Butler grew up in Central Florida, which is where I studied “Psychic Awareness” with Marguerite Romeis for eight years. Marguerite taught me how to control my abilities and encouraged me to study Reiki (an ancient Tibetan healing art). I received the status of Reiki Master four years later in 1996. After completing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Florida I earned a Massage and Hydro-Therapy certification in 1998 from the Florida School of Massage. I then relocated to Atlanta where I live today.

In 2000, I received a Master's Hypnotherapist degree from The New York Institute. I extended this education with a one-week intensive in past life regression with Dr. Brian Weiss, MD at the Omega Institute. Already working world wide with my readings, I decided to launch a company in 2001, Love and Light LLC, designed to support, create and inspire spiritual growth through public channeling, guest lecturers, classes, and private sessions for all ages. Throughout the years, I have been a guest speaker at the University of Florida, Gwinnett College, and Georgia Perimeter College in Atlanta, and a frequent presenter for groups and radio shows throughout the US.


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