Joanne Dimaggio

In her long-term quest for something new and exciting in past-life research, best-selling author and past-life therapist Joanne Dimaggio didn't realize that what she was looking for had been staring her in the face for years. In fact, she had already written about it in her previous book, Soul Writing: Conversing with Your Higher Self where she chronicled how she stumbled on the process of soul writing—which she defined as a written form of meditation.

Join Joanne on The Moore Show as she talks about her latest book Your Soul Remembers: Accessing Your Past Lives Through Soul Writing. Some of the topics Joanne will discuss include: What is soul writing and how you can use it to access, and more clearly understand, your past lives; How your past lives impact your current life; How your current life addresses karma from your past lives; and The emergence of a soul group, a famous past life, and a case of spontaneous healing during her research.


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