Karen Neumann Channeling THEOS A Non-Physical Collective of Beings | Podcast #552
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Karen Neumann is an American now living in The Netherlands and is an integrated channel, medium, Reiki Master, radio host, and metaphysical teacher. Her diverse background includes being a singer, dancer, and writer as well as working in the sports nutrition & fitness world. As a channel, she brings forward the information of her non-physical guides called, Theos, whose message is always that of Oneness and Unconditional Love.​

THEOS is a nonphysical collective of beings who have evolved past the need for identification with star systems and planets.

They are beautiful teachers of humanity, teaching us about Unconditional Love and Oneness. They work with blueprints and codes, what we call sacred geometry and sound as well. Many times when working with them you will hear the most beautiful cosmic melodies.


DATE: Oct 16, 2017

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Karen Neumann

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