Messages from Pleiades for the Ascension of Humanity | Podcast #221
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Born and raised on a farm in Central Illinois, Kate and her husband, David, currently reside in Arizona on Spruce Mountain, a Lighted Sacred Mountain. This sacred area is connected to the Pleiades and light work is done in their medicine wheel and tipi. A Pleiadian Light Temple is soon to be built.

Katie is a voice channel for the Ascended Masters she provides spiritual readings by phone or in person at the Pleiadian Starseed Center in Prescott, Arizona. Her readings often include a variety of energetic healings by the Masters. The energy assists in healing the emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental bodies.

Kate is a Pleiadian Starseed working here on Earth for the Ascension of humanity and the planet. It is her goal and my wish to unite the Star Families with their grounded Earth members. It is not long now before the great shift and mass awakening kate is in service to those who want to know more about who they really are.

DATE: March 28, 2015

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Kate Sparks 

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