The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe –  UK Coast to Coast am | Podcast #252
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Should you believe in UFOs? If you question why the subject of UFOs should be taken seriously, then listen up. Tonight, we will discuss fascinating evidence, new perspectives, and detailed analysis, to make this a thought-provoking conversation for those at every level of knowledge and belief in the UFO phenomenon. Tonight's special guest is Dr. Robert David, Ph.D., who will cover well-researched and convincing, documented insight, and compelling individual and mass UFO encounters, that will give us a direct appreciation of the possible nature and origin of this extraordinary topic. We will discuss pilot and astronaut UFO experiences, strange encounters with UFOs, alien abductions, official government and military declassified UFO documents, and future directions and research needed to better understand the phenomenon. You will hear about new viewpoints through an objective investigation of the alleged alien visitation


DATE: Aug 19, 2015

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Dr. Robert David

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