Weight Loss With Whole body Vibration Technology | Podcast #183
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Becky Chambers was chronically ill for over 30 years. She once weighed 200 pounds, was depressed, chronically fatigued, and had many severe joint problems. She also overcame hundreds of allergies, and multiple digestive problems including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, insomnia, and liver, heart, and lung problems. Becky has been studying alternative health for over 30 years:

BS, Biology, UMass Amherst MS, Education, Lesley University Doctor of Naturopathy degree, Clayton College of Natural Health Author, Whole Body Vibration: The Future of Good Health Teacher and speaker.

Becky has traveled across the country in search of an answer to her own health problems and found powerful new therapies, technology, and products. After trying many different approaches she found Whole Body Vibration and saw a dramatic turnaround in her health. Now combining WBV, nutrition, nutritional products, and homeopathy she works to achieve the same vibrant health for her clients as she now enjoys.


DATE: Feb 17, 2014

HOST: Kevin Moore

GUEST: Becky Chambers 

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